New Mexico Spadefoot Toad
Spea multiplicata

Family Pelobatidae

Maximum snout-vent length 2½". Color greenish, gray, or brown, with scattered darker spots or blotches. No lump between eyes. Wedge-shaped spade on each hind foot. Eye with vertical pupil in bright light.
Elevation Range:
Below 6000' in eastern Colorado; below 6500' in western Colorado.

Listed as Scaphiopus multiplicatus or as conspecific with Scaphiopus hammondi hammondi in some publications.
  New Mexico Spadefoot Toad
Photo from Hammerson, 1986.
Used with permission.
CountyRef. CountyRef. CountyRef. CountyRef.
Adams  Dolores *  La PlataH Pitkin 
Alamosa  Douglas  Lake  Prowers * 
Arapahoe  Eagle  Larimer  PuebloKGA1
Archuleta *  El PasoRLB1 Las AnimasH Rio Blanco 
Baca *  Elbert  LincolnBH2 Rio Grande 
BentH FremontH Logan  Routt 
Boulder  Garfield  MesaH Saguache 
Chaffee  Gilpin  Mineral  San Juan 
Cheyenne  Grand  Moffat  San MiguelH
Clear Creek  Gunnison  MontezumaH Sedgwick 
Conejos *  Hinsdale  Montrose *  Summit 
Costilla *  HuerfanoH Morgan  Teller 
CrowleyDC8 Jackson  OteroH Washington 
Custer *  Jefferson  Ouray *  Weld 
Delta *  KiowaDC8
Park  Yuma 
Denver  Kit Carson  Phillips 
Map of Colorado
Color Key
Adams Alamosa Arahapoe Archuleta Baca Bent Boulder Chaffee Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delta Denver Dolores Douglas Eagle El Paso Elbert Fremont Garfield Gilpin Grand Gunnison Hinsdale Huerfano Jackson Jefferson Kiowa Kit Carson La Plata Lake Larimer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral Moffat Montezuma Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Park Phillips Pitkin Prowers Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache San Juan San Miguel Sedgewick Summit Teller Washington Weld Yuma